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Respondus StudyMate: E-Learning Games, Activities in Flash

Respondus StudyMate is an easy-to-use e-learning authoring tool used by educators and course designers for creating Flash-based interactive student tests, quizzes, surveys and games without having to learn Flash scripting, graphic design, or HTML. Respondus recently received the Gold Excellence in E-learning Award from Brandon Hall Research in the Innovative Technology category.

StudyMate can create the following types of Flash activities: Fact Cards, Fact Cards Plus, Flash Cards, Fill In the Blank, Pick A Letter, Matching, Glossary, Crosswords, Quiz, and Challenge. The user interface for the Flash activities can appear in six different languages (Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, or Spanish).

StudyMate exports the activities and games in Macromedia Flash (.swf) format and can publish activities directly to eLearning systems such as ANGEL, Blackboard, eCollege, WebCT, WebCT Vista. Studymate can also export SCORM 1.2 compliant Flash learning objects which can then be uploaded to any other eLearning platform or even a web page. You can also save StudyMate activities to a hard-drive, CD-ROM or DVD for offline viewing. StudyMate additionally allows the exporting of the questions and items themselves (without the Flash templates) to popular formats such as MS Word.

Respondus StudyMate solves a majority of the issues faced by eductors who create exams and self-assessments for publishing to eLearning Systems like WebCT or BlackBoard. And unlinke Articulate Quizmaker, StudyMate offers advanced users a way to create custom HTML templates and to specify which template(s) to use when creating Flash objects with StudyMate.

The StudyMate editor provides three basic templates for entering questions or text that will be used in the activities. Each template can generate a variety of activities based on the data that is entered. During the publishing step, you indicate which of the activities to include in the Flash (.swf) file and then let StudyMate upload the materials to your online course (or you can upload the files manually).

 • No Answer - A fact, phrase, or question that doesn't have an associated answer.

 • One Answer - A question or definition that has a specific answer or term associated with it.

 • Multiple Choice - A question followed by a set of answer choices (only one being correct).

Many StudyMate activities challenge students to acquire "points" and even to spell words correctly. For example, if a word is misspelled in the "Fill in the Blank" activity, StudyMate will highlight the incorrect letters, allow the spelling to be corrected, and deduct a point for each incorrect attempt.

Questions and answer choices can be randomized in StudyMate so that the activity is different each time it is used. The built-in Equation Editor lets you insert complex mathematical formulas and scientific symbols. You can also replace the Respondus Equation Editor with MathType by Design Science. Other features include a spell checker, the ability to add "inline" images and web links, and "StudyMate Organizer" (a free tool for organizing Flash objects on a local drive or server). The Spell Checker tools in StudyMate include three dictionaries: American English, Canadian English, and British English. Additional dictionaries for French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Finnish, and medical terminology can be download from Respondus website.

StudyMate follows a wizard-based approach for importing existing content from MS Word, rich-text, IMS QTI (xml), and Respondus format. StudyMate can also download and import publisher test banks for the leading textbooks in higher education, via the Respondus Test Bank Network.

Respondus StudyMate requires web activation before it can be used. If you want to install StudyMate on a second computer for personal use (or move the license to another computer), you can request a second activation password here.

Respondus Website | Respondus StudyMate 1.5 | Download Respondus Studymate 1.5 | Respondus Test Bank Network | Respondus Studymate Interface Screenshots

Respondus is a registered trademark and StudyMate is a trademark of Respondus, Inc. ANGEL is a registered trademark of ANGEL Learning, Blackboard is a registered trademark of Blackboard Inc., eCollege is a registered trademark of eCollege, and WebCT is a registered trademark of WebCT Inc.