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Get an Orkut Invite here to join Orkut Community

Do you need an Orkut Invitation to become a member of Orkut. Get an Orkut Invite here on Digital Inspiration..

To get an immediate Orkut invite, please support this website by making a donation via Paypal. Post your Orkut Invite request via Paypal

Leave your Name, Gender and EMail address here. Also tell us how did you find this website ? We will send you an Orkut invitation right away.

Just like GMail and Yahoo! 360° services, the Orkut community is available by invitation only. If you already have or want a Gmail account, it comes with a built-in Google Account. You can use this to log in to orkut.

To join orkut, simply click on the link in the email you received and follow the instructions for creating a user name and password. If orkut doesn't sound like it's for you, feel free to delete your invitation.

And existing Orkut users can send out an invitation to their friends using these steps:

1. Click on the "Friends" link in the blue bar at the top of the page.
2. Click on the "book" tab to the right of your name (this tab displays a pencil.)
3. Enter your friend's first and last name and their email address, and click the "add as a friend" button.

You can still request for invitation to GMail or Yahoo 360 service.

Get a GMail Invite | Get a Yahoo 360 Invite.