Isnoop.net's Gmail invite spooler is back in the news. It offers a place for Gmail invites and those who want them to come together with minimal effort and fuss.
People with available invites send them to the spooler's address (gmail@isnoop.net), and it automatically adds them to an available pool. People who need addresses can then get invites from this pool, as necessary. At the time of writing, they had 47,600 invites available to share and they had distributed 220,491 invites since this page went up on Sep 13, 2004.
The gmailomatic has over one-half dozen different checks in place to ensure that no person can acquire more than their fair share of invites. Instead, invites disappear very quickly because there are more than 1 million hits per day on this single page. The demand for invites is very high and the number of people frequenting the page to get invites is quite enough to ensure that available ones are snapped up very quickly.
See Gmail invite spooler stats here.
Get your own free GMail account here.