The most straightforward method is by using the RealPlayer itself. If the ra or rm file is linked directly on the website, just right click and choose "Save Target As" to save the real audio files to your hard drive.
Now open RealPlayer and choose Tools - CD - CD Burner to create an MP3 CD from your saved rm files. Later you can copy these MP3 files from the CD back to your hard drive or the iPod. [More on Real Player CD Burner here.]
Alternatively, you can try the RM to MP3 Converter from Jodix - it is a freeware can convert all Real Media formats (*.rm, *.ra, *.rmvb) to MP3 files. Switch from Swift Sound is also a possible solution.
The above techniques / software may not work for streaming real audio (like .ram) since they are buffered and not saved directly to the computer.
In that case, you can use Audacity to save real media as MP3 files. The method for saving the streaming real audio to MP3 is exactly same as described here. Play the file with RealPlayer and hit the record button in Audacity.
You can extend the above methods to convert rm to wmv or mov formats. First create the mp3 file and then convert it to other formats using free software like SUPER or online services like Zamzar.
Disclaimer: While it easy to convert RealAudio (.ra) and RealMedia (.rm) file formats to MP3, make sure that you are not violating any copyrights by doing so.