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A Googler With Some Big Adwords Advertising Budget

Over the past few weeks, I have been noticing ads of a person called Saurabh Pandey on various Google properties including GMail, Google Web Search and even on this blog.

What surprises me here is that Saurabh is using Adsense heavily to advertise his Orkut profile page and a Blogspot blog [Sycamore World] that has just two posts which were published over an year ago.

Just out of sheer curiosity, I visited his Orkut page and it turned out that Saurabh is actually working for Google India, in the Sales function.

Now that makes it all the more interesting. Looking at the frequency at which his ads appear on various websites through Adsense, I am sure that Saurabh is not just an employee of Google but an important Adwords client as well.