We will utilize the recently announced See it now feature in GMail to convert Adobe PDF documents into html files. In addition to PDF, you can also convert all Microsoft Office Document formats (MS Word .doc, Excel .xls, Powerpoint .ppt, Rich Text Format .rtf), OpenOffice.org Document Formats (Writer, Calc, Impress, Presentation) and WML Files (Wireless markup language) to HTML. Here's how to get this done with GMail:
1. Compose a new message in GMail. (If you are still without a GMail account, request a GMail Invitation code)
2. Attach any PDF or Word document that you want to convert to HTML You can attach multiple files in this step by clicking Attach another File.
3. Enter your own email address in the To: box and click send.
4. You instantly receive a message in your GMail Inbox folder. Open the message and click the "View as HTML" link next to your attachment.
5. The contents of your attachment appear as HTML in a new browser window without having to download the file. When you're finished reading the attached file, close the new browser window to return to Gmail or Save the file to your harddrive.

GMail will show the following types of files as HTML: .pdf, .doc, .xls, .ppt, .rtf, .sxw, .sxc, .sxi, .sdw, .sdc, .sdd, and .wml. You can extend this trick to extract text from PDF documents (PDF to Txt) or Convert Adobe PDF documents to Word (PDF to Doc conversion). First convert the Document to HTML with Gmail and then open the HTML file in Microsoft Word and choose Save as .doc.
Convert PDF without Adobe Acrobat PDF writer - This has link to free or inexpensive PDF creation software. Or Read another Google approach to convert Microsoft Office and PDF files to HTML or Translate PDF and Office documents to different languages.
About GMail See it Now: You can view Microsoft Office, OpenOffice or .pdf attachments as a web page in HTML by clicking the "View as HTML" link right next to it. For when you're on a mobile device or you don't want to install some new software just to view a document. Or if you just want to see it faster.
If you are looking for a commercial PDF conversion software, we recommend ABBYY PDF Transformer that offers One-click conversion from PDF files to Word, Excel, HTML or text. It retains layout and format without retyping and reformatting.