Just by adding a single line of HTML code in your Blogger template, your visitors will be able to easily bookmark your posts to Del.icio.us or Furl - the two most popular social bookmarking systems on the internet. You will also learn how to add buttons to your weblog to enable readers bookmark your weblog to Kinja.
This technique is for blogs hosted on Blogger (blogspot) platform. Movable Type or WordPress users will have to change the following Blogger Template Tags:
<$BlogItemPermalinkURL$> - Permanent link to article
<$BlogItemTitle$> - Title of the Blog post
Post to Del.icio.us
Add to Kinja - Your readers can add your website to their Kinja favorites by clicking the Kinja button.
Save to Furl
The next two tips are only for Blogger platform. Remember to replace xxx with your blogid available on the Blogger Dashboard. The code should be inside the <ItemPage><Blogger> tags.
Email This - Let visitors email your posts to friends
Leave a Comment - Opens the Blogger comment window in a new pop-up window
This technique is for blogs hosted on Blogger (blogspot) platform. Movable Type or WordPress users will have to change the following Blogger Template Tags:
<$BlogItemPermalinkURL$> - Permanent link to article
<$BlogItemTitle$> - Title of the Blog post
Post to Del.icio.us
Add to Kinja - Your readers can add your website to their Kinja favorites by clicking the Kinja button.
Save to Furl
The next two tips are only for Blogger platform. Remember to replace xxx with your blogid available on the Blogger Dashboard. The code should be inside the <ItemPage><Blogger> tags.
Email This - Let visitors email your posts to friends
Leave a Comment - Opens the Blogger comment window in a new pop-up window