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Windows XP Command Prompt CMD Documentation

Well every now and again - actually more often than I prefer - I need to open a Windows command prompt to do some work. So I hammer out some DOS commands, make some mistakes, curse, then success! The Command-line reference from Microsoft have some really great tips like copying and pasting and a complete command reference.

In addition to the tools installed with Windows XP, there are over 40 support tools included on the Windows XP CD. You can use these tools to diagnose and resolve computer problems. For more information about these support tools, see Windows Support Tools For information about installing support tools, see Install Windows Support Tools

For more information about changes to the functionality of MS-DOS commands, new command-line tools, command shell functionality, configuring the command prompt, and automating commmand-line tasks, see Command-line reference.

Some command-line tools require the user to have administrator-level privileges on source and/or target computers.

Command-line tools must be run at the prompt of the Cmd.exe command interpreter. To open Command Prompt, click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK. To view help at the command-line, at the command prompt, type the following: