Imagine typing "whois" inside GTalk to find out who owns that web domain name. Or saying "alexa" will show you the Alexa Traffic details of that website right inside your Google chat window.
You can now easily run popular network commands inside Google Talk, Yahoo!, AOL or Windows Live messenger through IMified - just add to your buddy list and start using the chat window as a network command line tool.
Other than whois, commands like traceroute and ping can also be executed from GTalk.
We earlier mentioned IMified as a quick tool for publishing posts on Wordpress or Blogger blogs through messenger clients.
The service has come a long way since then and now works seamlessly with tumblr, jaiku, twitter and so on.
You can even use Imified to add bookmarks to your account from Google Talk. How cool is that.
imified | Add it to your friends list and the add the netlookup widget.