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Adobe Creative Suite 3 Launch via Youtube

<a href="//">Adobe What's in the Box Video ?</a>

Adobe Creative Suite 3 (CS3) is coming later this month. To build an element of excitement and curiosity around the launch of CS3 suite, Adobe is trying to harness the power of Youtube.

Adobe UK has uploaded a viral video on Youtube titled "What's in the box" that concludes with a teaser text - "It's coming" - No further details are available about the upcoming CS3 software.

Adobe calls the 27 March announcement "the largest software release in Adobe's 25-year history".

What is in the Box - Click n' Drag to spin the 3D box.

Why Adobe Chose Youtube instead of hosting the video on their own webservers ? Could be for a simple reason - Youtube has the staring eyeballs who are constantly on a hunt for new and exciting videos.