First the not-so-good news for Bloggers who use pictures near Google Ads thinking it will improve CTR.
This age-old blending technique may prove effective in attracting visitor attention but Google today unequivocally stated that Images near Adsense Ads are not allowed. Period.

Even if you are adding spaces or vertical lines to separate images and Google Ads, it will be regarded as a Adsense TOS violation. Clean up your act the first thing in the morning before Google Policy watchdogs issue that dreaded warning message.
Now some good news for Bloggers who are deeply frustrated with people scaping content without permission and pasting it as their own on MFA websites.
While we all hate to see others monetizing our content, the concern here is that information (your blog posts) will be duplicated on the web and the actual owner (you) may run the risk of getting penalized in the search engine rankings (remember duplicate content filters)
Fortunately, Google has a simple advise for worried folks like us - "Don't worry be happy" - Don't fret too much about sites that scrape (misappropriate and republish) your content. Though annoying, it's highly unlikely that such sites can negatively impact your site's presence in Google.
There's another good news for Bloggers who publish full feeds. Online RSS readers like Rojo or feed syndication services like Feedburner, will always have exact replicas of your blog posts. So are they potential source of duplicate content for the search engines ?
The answer is No as long as the site syndicating your content links back to the original story. Here's the official word - If you syndicate your content on other sites, make sure they include a link back to the original article on each syndicated article.
While other search engines like Yahoo or MSN have not openly clarified these issues yet, it is fairly reasonable to assume that they will have similar policies against handling of duplicate content.
This age-old blending technique may prove effective in attracting visitor attention but Google today unequivocally stated that Images near Adsense Ads are not allowed. Period.

Even if you are adding spaces or vertical lines to separate images and Google Ads, it will be regarded as a Adsense TOS violation. Clean up your act the first thing in the morning before Google Policy watchdogs issue that dreaded warning message.
Now some good news for Bloggers who are deeply frustrated with people scaping content without permission and pasting it as their own on MFA websites.
While we all hate to see others monetizing our content, the concern here is that information (your blog posts) will be duplicated on the web and the actual owner (you) may run the risk of getting penalized in the search engine rankings (remember duplicate content filters)
Fortunately, Google has a simple advise for worried folks like us - "Don't worry be happy" - Don't fret too much about sites that scrape (misappropriate and republish) your content. Though annoying, it's highly unlikely that such sites can negatively impact your site's presence in Google.
There's another good news for Bloggers who publish full feeds. Online RSS readers like Rojo or feed syndication services like Feedburner, will always have exact replicas of your blog posts. So are they potential source of duplicate content for the search engines ?
The answer is No as long as the site syndicating your content links back to the original story. Here's the official word - If you syndicate your content on other sites, make sure they include a link back to the original article on each syndicated article.
While other search engines like Yahoo or MSN have not openly clarified these issues yet, it is fairly reasonable to assume that they will have similar policies against handling of duplicate content.