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Work Friendly: How Not to Get Fired for Internet Surfing at Work ?

Your boss is waiting for that important project report but you feel more interested in reading that story on CNN website about Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe who decided to strip off his robes and glasses for a stage show.

Thanks to an earlier ruling that link surfing the Web to reading a newspaper or talking on the phone, you may not get fired for web sufing but it will definitely cause you a huge embarrassment when the supervisor walks into your cabin to check the progress. Oops, you didn't even had that Microsoft Word program running on your computer.

surfing at work

If you also fall in the above category of Office workers who cannot resist the temptation to surf or read blogs during office hours, Patrix points to a god-send service for you called Work Friendly.

Work Friendly wraps your internet browser into a Microsoft Word 2003 like interface, removes all the graphics from the webpages and turns the text/links into black color so that it resembles a standard Word document that you are working on. The hyperlinks, search forms work just like they do in a web browser.

Another good feature is the Boss key. It's a small button which hides even the formatted webpage and cleverly replaces it with a Word document on time management and overcoming procrastination. Very smart indeed. I guess we could also use Work Friendly as proxy when certain websites are blocked in school or at work.

Related: Fool the Boss: Hide Windows with your Feet