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Use Keywords in Titles & Page URLs for Better Google Rankings

Matt CuttsIt's an open secret in the SEO community that keywords mentioned in the page title and the URL of webpages help you get better rankings in search engines for those keywords.

Now even Google SEO expert Matt Cutts, while looking at the possible reasons for Windows Live Writers blog not appearing on Google web search results, has confirmed that these age-old SEO tricks do help in boosting the search rankings atleast on Google.

- If you want to show up for a query like [windows live writer], having that in the page title certainly could help.

- Most bloggy sites tend to have words from the title of a post in the url; having keywords from the post title in the url also can help search engines judge the quality of a page.

You may also be interested in this simple hack [using Windows Live Writer or w.bloggar] that creates custom permalinks which may or may not be derived from the words mentioned in the post title.

Related: News MSN Spaces URLs