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Automatically Ping All Blog Search Engines In One Go!

Pinging a Blog at regular intervals is almost as important as writing a blog post. I say this because you may have tons of good posts on your blog but if you don't ping, the world may never get to discover your blog posts via blog search engines or newsreaders.

I have long been a fan of Ping-o-Matic blog ping service but later switched loyalties to Pingoat since PingoMatic service developed signs of trouble and another reason that Pingoat supported more ping servers (including non-English ones) than pingomatic.

The only problem with Pingomatic or Pingoat is that you have to manually type in the blog URL / XML feed URL, select the services that you want to ping and then submit the ping request. This involves just too much effort which get more frustrating if you have two or three blogs.

Today, somebody pinged me about Autopinger, a free blog cum podcast ping tool that completely automates the pinging tasks for you. I think it's time for me to say good-bye to Pingoat now for two reasons:

» AutoPinger gives me a more descripting return status of the ping request (see screenshot).

» You can add any number of blogs to Autopinger and they will automatically ping them for you at 30 minutes interval. That takes all the blog pinging worries out of your mind.

Update: The service is no longer available.

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