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Digg vs New York Times: ZDNet Blasts TechCrunch over Digg 3.0 Promotion

At a recent Gnomedex session, Mike Arrington of TechCrunch remarked that Digg is getting to the size of the New York Times.

Donna Bogatin of ZDNet is questioning Mike's analysis.
What is the basis for Arrington's assertion that a 15 person start-up that asks for "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" on headlines from stories created by other sites, sites such as, is on track to displace the 1200 person strong newsroom of the 155 year old New York Times "newspaper of record" with its $200 million worldwide news gathering budget?
Earlier, Mike used alexaholic data to support his claim. [alexaholic is not related to Amazon owned]

Stay tuned for for a TechCrunch reply to ZDNet very soon.