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Why Employees Waste Time at Work ?

Bosses don't expect their employees to work 8 hours per day, non-stop. There is always some wasted time ( time spent on the job not doing actual work.) But a recent survey has revealed that Office workers waste 2+ hours per 8 hour work day while the employers and HR department expect them to waste only 1 hour per day.

The top time-wasting activities are making personal use of the Internet (including email), socializing with colleagues, conducting personal business, spacing out, running errands, making phone calls, applying for jobs, planning personal events, and arriving late or leaving early.

The Top Time-Wasting Excuses are you don't have enough work to do, underpaid for amount of work, co-workers distract me and not enough after-work time.

Older workers reported wasting less time than younger workers. However, both men and women reported wasting an equal amount of time at work. calculated that employers spend $759 billion per year on salaries for which real work was expected, but not actually performed.

Read the complete findings: Time Wasted Survey

Source: Power slacking on the job