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Upload Screen Captures directly to Flickr with SnagIt

TechSmith SnagIt 8 screen capture and image editing software is a very integral part of my blogging workflow. Almost all the screen captures and illustrations that you see on this site are created using SnagIt.

I first capture the screenshots in SnagIt using the shortcut PrntScrn key, enhance the screen captures with borders/effects/titles in SnagIt studio, save the images to local hard drive and finally, I upload them to Flickr or Blogger using Hello.

Sometime in March, I came across Flickr and Webimager, a tiny screen capture utility that directly uploads screenshots to Flickr bypassing the need to save images. Though the features of this free tool are nowhere near Snagit, still I was impressed with the direct-upload-to-flickr idea and suggested it to Techsmith.

I am not sure if Techsmith were already working on this feature or they decided to implement it after receiving my email. But the good news is that now you can upload pictures from SnagIt 8 to Flickr directly. SnagIt has released separate Flickr Profiles which upload the captures to Flickr, and also pastes the Flickr photo link (URL) for the image to your Clipboard.

I now have more time to write articles for my blog.

Download SnagIt Flickr Profile | Video Tutorial: How to use Snagit Flickr

Quick Tip: Snagit provides a Firefox extension that lets you capture webpages as images or even PDF.