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Telegraph Blogging Style Guide - Recommended Reading

Telegraph UK newspaper team has written a comprehensive blogging style guide which their new writers are supposed to read before they start blogging on the Telegraph website. The guide discusses things like Handling Comments, Establishing a converation and other blog related issues/topics.

Here are some interesting picks from the Blog Guide:

This is a good standby if you're stuck for something to write about and several of our bloggers have done this already. Posting a round-up of responses to comments you have received on previous posts is an easy way to defeat 'blogger's block' and increases the level of interaction with readers

Often, particularly when you start blogging, reader response may be very unflattering. Once you demonstrate that you have something constructive to add, you will find an audience and the criticism will settle down.

I saw this and thought of you - Short and to the point, this post quickly makes readers aware of an article you've read or upcoming event that you think will appeal to your readers. You can quickly summarise it and then offer a link to the relevant website.

Read the guide online - Blogging Style Guide | Telegraph UK Upload