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Eye-Fi: Convert a normal Digital Camera into Wireless Wi-Fi camera

Wi-Fi capable digital cameras are set to become obsolete even before they hit the market shelves.

We have seen Sandisk SD Wi-Fi flash memory cards for adding wireless to any PDA. Now Eye-Film has developed a similar product but for Digital Cameras. They call it Eye-Fi, a Wi-Fi enabled SD Flash memory card for turning those plain, simple digital cameras into Wi-Fi capable.

The 1 GB Eye-Fi card is compatible with any model of digital camera as long as it has the SD card slot. The card itself has inbuilt Wifi features to transfer the photos wirelessly. The Eye-Fi card is expected for about the same price as a 1 GB flash card sells for today - $100.

Photocasting with no computer - With Eye-fi plugged in your digital camera, you'll be able to upload pictures to Flickr, Webshots, BubbleShare or your .Mac account without ever opening your computer. And if you Camera can shoot videos, you may be able to directly upload video to YouTube - No PC required.

The product concept is impressive but website is defintely not. There's neither a brief bio of the executive team nor a single-word writeup about the product. It does have links to a couple of bloggers and technorati - if Mike and Scoble won't have written about, I might not have even trusted them looking at their website.