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Dell opening Retails Stores in Texas & New York

1 in 3 PC's sold in the US is manufactured by Dell. The company has no retail outlets yet but the scene is expected to change, soon.

Following the success of Apple Retails stores, Dell has also decided to explore retailing, a relatively uncharted territory. They are opening up new retail shops in Dallas and West Nyack, New York.

In the past few years, Dell did put up retail kiosks in US shopping malls and airports but it is for the first time that they are developing an exclusive full-sized Dell retail outlet.

But unlike the Apple Retails Stores, Dell is taking a cautious approach with retailing. The new Dell stores won't carry any Dell inventory, but it will allow customers to try out Dell's products and order them for delivery just like they do over the phone or internet. Dell has not decided if the outlets will offer product support.

Other than PC's, Dell retail stores will house almost all Dell products including Digital Cameras, LCD Screens, Television and Printers.

Source: Dell Testing Retail Store Concept | Star Telegram