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Mental Typewriter: A Brain-Computer Interface

A mental typewriter that translates thoughts into cursor movements on a computer screen is available for display at CeBIT. This is also the first device that enables a direct dialogue between humans and computers.

Even if a person who is completely paralysed cannot move his eyes left or right he can still think with the left and right parts of his brain. These thoughts or signals would be enough to activate the device.

Electrodes connected to the scalp measure the brain’s electrical signals. These are amplified and transmitted to the computer, which converts them into technical control signals.

The associated changes in brain activity can be detected by the BCI and used to choose between two alternatives.

This principle can also be used to control devices connected to a computer, and it is even feasible to communicate in this way via the Internet.

Further Information: Control through the Power of Thought

Sources: Berlin Brain-Computer Interface | Mail & Guardian | Gizmodo