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Office Prank: PC desktop screen freezes on startup

A neat Office prank that you can play with an Office Colleague when he leaves his desk for a cup of coffee. (requires a minute).

Step 1. Click the Print Screen key and paste the clipboard contents in MS Paint. Save the image as .bmp in any c: drive

Step 2. Select all icons on coworkers' workstation screen and move them to a new folder in c:

Step 3. Open the .bmp picture in Windows Picture Viewer, right click and choose "Set as Desktop Background"

Step 4. Walk towards the Office pantry to join your friend for coffee.

On return, your victim frantically clicks around and wonders why his programs and files are "frozen." Suggest he shutdown, re-boot, and run antivirus software.

And if you don't want this trick to be played on you, always Lock your Windows XP Workstation by pressing the Windows Key + L.

Original Idea: Tech Prank: Freeze Frame