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Gartner Trains Gun at Google Desktop Search again

Google Desktop Search LogoGoogle Desktop Search is again in Gartner's crosshairs for the controversial Search Across Computers feature. Despite Google promises, Gartner says that mere transport of data outside the enterprise will represent an unacceptable security risk to many enterprises

Earlier, Gartner slammed the first version of GDS for potential security problems and lack of corporate-ready functions. Google responded quickly and released an updated search tool.

Gartner has issued the following recommendation for Google Desktop Search 3
The newest release of Google's desktop search application is fine for technically adept personal users. But the Search Across Computers option should be disabled or heavily managed by enterprises.
Google's decision to use a remote server to hold a temporary index is inauspicious, but unique to its strategy. Google will store an index copy of information intended to be shared on its servers for up to 30 days.

Google promises that this information will be encrypted and accessible only to a small set of Google employees, who will not peruse it.

Download full Gartner report by Whit Andrews on Google Desktop Search 3 beta here [42.2kb pdf]