Google today announced Gmail Chat that will let Gmail users exchange text messages with others without having to log onto a separate chat program.

From anywhere in Gmail, the user can see who is available to chat. The program will also allow users to store instant message (IM) conversations.
The application's Quick Contacts list is synchronized with a user's Google Talk friends list and automatically displays the people a user communicates with most frequently and shows their online status.
Clicking on a contact listed as being online opens a chat window in the browsers.
Gmail Chat is available on Internet Explorer 6.0 and higher and Firefox 1.0 and higher and in the U.S. English interface only.
There are no Google ads in your chat sessions or your Quick Contacts list. But once a chat is saved, Google may show you ads alongside your saved chats. A
Related Sources:
• Google merges Gmail with chat
• New Google Service to Blend the Gmail and Chat Features
• What's New - GMail Talk Chat