Pay-for-placement advertising has been called by some the most effective method of direct marketing today. Finding the most obvious keywords for your website pages requires simple logical thinking but to choose high-performing keywords, word combinations and phrases that people search for, you need the help of tools to build a more effective keyword list.
Search engines such as Google, Yahoo or MSN allow advertisers to bid against each other for the placement of ads tied to keywords. An account for your business can be opened for $5 to $50, and bids typically start at 5 cents or 10 cents per click. Paying one penny above another advertiser moves your listing above his. Beyond the account set-up fees, your credit card is charged only for the clicks on your listings. So, the more you pay, the more ad viewers are clicking through to your Web site.
How to Find more keywords relevant to your website? Here we discuss the best online keyword research tools that help your find the best keywords relevant to your blog or website. Try to choose popular and narrowly targeted keywords.
This keyword tools guide is split in two parts. In part 1, we discuss the more popular keyword tools like Wordtracker and Overture while in Part 2, we will mention about lesser known and even unexplored keyword research tools that are also free to use.
1. Overture Inventory Keyword Selector Tool # | #
How many searches can your business get? Enter a keyword to see how many searches have been conducted on that term in the last month.
The Overture keyword suggestion tool displays the most popular keyword combinations for a given keyword or phrase. The suggestions are based on the number of times similar phrases were searched on the Overture network the previous month. The Overture tool is very fast, displays related keywords and also the search statistics for that keyword.
2. Overture View Bids Tool #
To use the Overture Bidding Tool, enter your search keyword and it displays the Advertiser's Max Bid and listing of the ads. (A Max Bid is the highest amount an advertiser is willing to pay for each click.)
Though the OVBT displays what Overture adervtisers are bidding for keywords, it can be used in combination with the Overture Inventory tool to shortlist keywords that can attract higher bids.
3. WordTracker keyword research tool #
Wordtracker is the keyword search tool of choice for professionals worldwide. Wordtracker keyword research reports contains thousands of keywords being used across the major search engines. Using the online Wordtracker interface, you can cherry-pick keywords with high popularity and low competition.
This is how the trial verion of wordtracker works. Enter a keyword or phrase, WordTracker extracts keyword suggestions from 200 related web pages across the internet. Using search data from Dogpile and Metacrawler queries over the last 120 days, Wordtracker displays the search statistics for the top 15 related keyword searches. [Start WordTracker Trial]
If you want to test-drive Wordtracker to discover its true potential of the Wordtracker keyword system, buy a 24 hour pass (1 day account) for $4.20. Wordtracker is a decent resource and well worth paying for to get full access. Wordtracker sends a free weekly Wordtrack Top 500 frequently searched words on the Internet. You can view the top 30 search terms for various metacrawlers (Dogpile, Metacrawler) over the past 48 hours here
4. Google Suggest #
As you type into the Google search box, Google Suggest guesses what you're typing and offers suggestions in real time based on the overall popularity of various searches.
Though Google Search is built for suggesting more refined searches up front, SEO and web authors can use Google Suggest as a keyword suggestion tool to quickly discover related keywords and how many results will be returned for that query on Google. Google Suggest might offer suggestions that you will find novel or intriguing.
Google, someone who really knows how people search, has compiled a comprehensive database of keywords or search phrases that people search for. Google also has indirect access to reports of what people are searching for on other search engines through Google Analytics.
If you are an Adwords advertiser, Google provides you full access to this keyword database.
5. Google AdWords Keyword Tool #
Type in keyword(s) or website URL into the keyword tool to view additional related keywords. The google keywords tool generates a list of the most popular synonyms and related phrases based on searches performed by user on Google search. Keyword results can be limited to countries and languages.
Google AdWords Keyword Tool shows three kinds of related keywords:
More Specific Keywords - Broadly matched keywords are replaced
Shows relevant, more specific alternatives to your general keywords
Similar Keywords - Expanded Broad Matches
Shows related search queries
Similar Keywords - Additional Keywords
Users who searched for your keyword(s) also searched for these terms.
Search engines such as Google, Yahoo or MSN allow advertisers to bid against each other for the placement of ads tied to keywords. An account for your business can be opened for $5 to $50, and bids typically start at 5 cents or 10 cents per click. Paying one penny above another advertiser moves your listing above his. Beyond the account set-up fees, your credit card is charged only for the clicks on your listings. So, the more you pay, the more ad viewers are clicking through to your Web site.
How to Find more keywords relevant to your website? Here we discuss the best online keyword research tools that help your find the best keywords relevant to your blog or website. Try to choose popular and narrowly targeted keywords.
This keyword tools guide is split in two parts. In part 1, we discuss the more popular keyword tools like Wordtracker and Overture while in Part 2, we will mention about lesser known and even unexplored keyword research tools that are also free to use.
1. Overture Inventory Keyword Selector Tool # | #
How many searches can your business get? Enter a keyword to see how many searches have been conducted on that term in the last month.
The Overture keyword suggestion tool displays the most popular keyword combinations for a given keyword or phrase. The suggestions are based on the number of times similar phrases were searched on the Overture network the previous month. The Overture tool is very fast, displays related keywords and also the search statistics for that keyword.
2. Overture View Bids Tool #
To use the Overture Bidding Tool, enter your search keyword and it displays the Advertiser's Max Bid and listing of the ads. (A Max Bid is the highest amount an advertiser is willing to pay for each click.)
Though the OVBT displays what Overture adervtisers are bidding for keywords, it can be used in combination with the Overture Inventory tool to shortlist keywords that can attract higher bids.
3. WordTracker keyword research tool #
Wordtracker is the keyword search tool of choice for professionals worldwide. Wordtracker keyword research reports contains thousands of keywords being used across the major search engines. Using the online Wordtracker interface, you can cherry-pick keywords with high popularity and low competition.
This is how the trial verion of wordtracker works. Enter a keyword or phrase, WordTracker extracts keyword suggestions from 200 related web pages across the internet. Using search data from Dogpile and Metacrawler queries over the last 120 days, Wordtracker displays the search statistics for the top 15 related keyword searches. [Start WordTracker Trial]
If you want to test-drive Wordtracker to discover its true potential of the Wordtracker keyword system, buy a 24 hour pass (1 day account) for $4.20. Wordtracker is a decent resource and well worth paying for to get full access. Wordtracker sends a free weekly Wordtrack Top 500 frequently searched words on the Internet. You can view the top 30 search terms for various metacrawlers (Dogpile, Metacrawler) over the past 48 hours here
4. Google Suggest #
As you type into the Google search box, Google Suggest guesses what you're typing and offers suggestions in real time based on the overall popularity of various searches.
Though Google Search is built for suggesting more refined searches up front, SEO and web authors can use Google Suggest as a keyword suggestion tool to quickly discover related keywords and how many results will be returned for that query on Google. Google Suggest might offer suggestions that you will find novel or intriguing.
Google, someone who really knows how people search, has compiled a comprehensive database of keywords or search phrases that people search for. Google also has indirect access to reports of what people are searching for on other search engines through Google Analytics.
If you are an Adwords advertiser, Google provides you full access to this keyword database.
5. Google AdWords Keyword Tool #
Type in keyword(s) or website URL into the keyword tool to view additional related keywords. The google keywords tool generates a list of the most popular synonyms and related phrases based on searches performed by user on Google search. Keyword results can be limited to countries and languages.
Google AdWords Keyword Tool shows three kinds of related keywords:
More Specific Keywords - Broadly matched keywords are replaced
Shows relevant, more specific alternatives to your general keywords
Similar Keywords - Expanded Broad Matches
Shows related search queries
Similar Keywords - Additional Keywords
Users who searched for your keyword(s) also searched for these terms.