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Google Adsense Bug: Change Password

Adsense publishers must always change Google Adsense account passwords from the Google Adsense interface. Never change your Google Adsense password from the Google Accounts page else you will not be able to login into Google Adsense without the help of a Google Adsense support member.

There is actually a bug in "Change password" procedure in Adsense. If you are also curious to reproduce the bug, just follow the steps below:

1. Open Google Accounts page and change password

2. Now login into Google Adsense with the new password. You will get the following error:

An AdSense account does not exist for this login, as the email associated with the account has not yet been verified. Please verify your email address using the email that was sent to you earlier. If you cannot find this email, you can use the form below to re-send the verification email.

3. Request Google to resend your verification email.

4. You will receive an email from Google within a nano second containing a verification URL. If you read the entire email text, you will find that Google is seeing this as a request for a new Adsense account.
Once you confirm your email, we'll review your application and email you after we check your site for AdSense eligibility. If you're accepted, you'll then be able to log in to your account with the email address and password you submitted with your application.
5. The nightmare doesn't end here. If you click the verification URL, you get another error - Email Verification Failed
Sorry, we failed to verify your email address. Please check that the URL in your web browser exactly matches the URL in your confirmation email. If you continue to experience difficulties, please email us at * key: Required field must not be blank
5. The only solution to this problem is: either contact Google Adsense support or Reset your Adsense password to the previous password. Then change to the new password from the Adsense interface and not via Google Accounts. (Select My Accounts subtab and click edit Login Information)