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Apple Aperture in Amazon Stores

Apple Aperture, one of the most innovative digital photography software to come around in a long time, will be available for customers from Nov 30. According to an email received by customers, the company has already received copies of Aperture, but is unable to release it to the public until November 30th.

"Although we do have your copy of "Apple Aperture Post Production Tool for Photographers (Mac DVD)" on hand, we are not able to ship it to you until its official release date, November 30, 2005." The Aperture software appears to be a complete rethinking of the user interface for digital-image-editing software, giving users the option of seeing their photographs laid out like slides or negatives on a light table.

Apple may be able to find a place on customers' desktops for Aperture even if the program doesn't displace Adobe Photoshop.