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Google buys Sun hardware, Sun promotes Google Software

Google will buy lot of servers from Sun and in return, Sun will distribute the Google Toolbar with its Java software when people download the bulky Java Runtime Environment from Sun's Web site. And Google will pay Sun for the hardware and for promoting the Google Toolbar.

In my opinion, software bundling of unrelated products is bad and annoying. Why would someone downloading Java be interested in Google Toolbar. Adobe has tried a similar trick by bundling the Yahoo! toolbar in Acrobat Reader. Who uses Adobe reader to search the web ?

This deal give Sun much-needed publicity as the world's largets search engine would run on Sun servers.

Java gets a new lease of life and Sun's finally has a bright future. Get ready to see more and more ads of Sun in Google Ads.

At this stage, this deal really doesn't threaten the ubiquitous Microsoft Office suite. If Sun and Microsoft were ever to deliver a light-weight and Web-based Office alternative, web-incarnations of Microsoft Office will have face some rough music.