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Free Software Tools And Fonts CD

The Government of India is sending out Free Hindi software CD to anyone by post. Here are the contents of the Hindi CD:

Hindi Language True Type Fonts With Keyboard Driver
The data can be created in any Window applications i.e. on Windows 98, Windows 2000 and Windows XP. The Keyboard Layouts could be Inscript, Phonetic or Typewriter type.

Hindi OCR
Scan Hindi Newspapers or Hindi magazines and convert hindi into editable text with this free Hindi OCR software. Any printed font format can be trained with this training module thus enhancing the accuracy of the product.

Text To Speech System for Hindi
Talk to your computer in Hindi. The computer can read the Hindi text for you. The basic requirement is for this to work you must have a sound card with speakers.

Hindi Language Spell Checker
Spell check Hindi data entered in MS Word through GIST TT typing tool.

Dictionary English-Hindi
Find hindi words with this powerful English-Hindi dictionary.

Translation Support System For English-Hindi
This provides online translations for English sentences to Hindi.

Hindi Text Corpora
The copyright free books in Hindi have been made available as a download having text in UNICODE format. This can be used by developers and language learners.

Hindi Language Multifont Keyboard Engine For True Type Fonts
Enables the user to create Hindi data in various true type fonts provided by different vendors. Appropriate selection of engine and fonts from the same GUI of Multifont engine is the key to this tool.

Firefox - Browser In Hindi
Firefox empowers you to browse faster, more safely and more efficiently than with any other browser and plus now the menus are in Hindi.

Gaim - Instant Messenger In Hindi
This is a multi-protocol instant messaging (IM) client for Linux, BSD, MacOS X, and Windows. It is compatible with AIM and ICQ (Oscar protocol), MSN Messenger, Yahoo!, IRC, Jabber, Gadu-Gadu, SILC, GroupWise Messenger, and Zephyr networks.

Aasaan Hindi Typing Tutor For Hindi & English
Free software to quickly learn touch typing in Hindi. Depending upon your speed, you can move to advanced lessons and be a master of touch typing within a shot period of time. Choose between English and Hindi mode of typing.

Integrated Word Processor
Unicode based editing facility, Typing support in Inscript Keyboard Layout

Hindi Language Transliteration Tool
This is a transliteration tool for English to Indian languages for Writer. Currently, it supports transliterations from English to six Indian languages namely Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam and Gujarati. Transliteration is a process, in which the user actually types in a language which he is used to (English in our case) but the words will be of target language (Hindi, Tamil etc).

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