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Google Newsletter is gathering dust

Google-Friends mailing list was launched with much fanfare by to inform users with what's happening at their favorite search engine. This newsletter was planned to go out approximately once every two months with updates on Google search features, business partnerships, and products in development.

The newsletter was originally hosted on Yahoogroups (or egroups) which is a main competitor to Google's own Google Groups but later the Google-Friends mailing list was moved to Google Groups. Google still invites users to sign-up for this newsletter even though the last issue was sent a year back.

I am pretty sure that Google Friends Newsletter has died. Google is now using the more popular Google Blog to send out product information and other updates. I won't call this a good move. Why to abandon a more popular technology like email in favor of RSS feeds. There's is no doubt that RSS is the best thing that can happen to the web but right now, it's only technogeeks who subscribe to RSS feeds while email is used by everyone.

Google, are you listening ? Atleast, please update your newsletter page when you are not sending any new issues. Or provide a link to your Google Blog page.