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MyGoogle - Customize your Google News page

Google News will let people specify what categories of news to display on the News front page, giving an array of choices including results chosen by keyword. You can also design your custom front page by mixing and matching existing standard sections from the 22 regional editions of Google News from around the globe.

Take a look at my personalized Google News page here - My keywords include , , , and . readers will be able to create up to 20 sections for their custom page. The customization relies on cookies, or files a Web site places on the visitor's computer to store identifying details and preferences for subsequent visits. Readers can also distribute their customized setting via e-mail.

Is this a hint that might have plans to build a portal. This feature is very similar to personalized page services offered by or . Another new feature allows you to share your customized news page with others. Each customized news page has its own unique URL. Simply send this URL to others, and they can use the page you've created as their own personalized Google News page, or use it as a basis to make their own modifications. You can also use this URL to view your own customized page on a computer other than the one where the cookie containing your settings is stored.

Customized news requires you to have both Javascript and cookies turned on. The settings for your customized Google News page are stored on your computer. In order to save these custom sections, you need to have cookies enabled on your browser. If your custom news page disappears you may have neglected to click "Save changes" before leaving the customization page, don't have cookies enabled on your browser, or deleted your cookies altogether. Your browser must be Internet Explorer 6.0 (or newer), Netscape 7.1 (or newer), Mozilla 1.4 (or newer), Firefox 0.8 (or newer), Opera 7.54 (or newer), or Safari 1.2.2 (or newer).