Getting from point A to point B just got a lot easier. Google Maps shows you where you want to go — and tells you what you'll find when you get there. Google Maps is an online service that allows users in the U.S. to find location information, navigate through maps, and get directions quickly and easily.
Type in a starting and a destination address - Google Maps plots the route for you, displaying it visually on the map itself, together with step-by-step directions for getting there (or back from there).
You also have the option to type search terms into a single search box under the Maps tab to get local search results and driving directions.
If you are looking at an area on the map and want to locate a business, say a pizza place, in that area - just enter "pizza" in the search box and we will search around the center of the map - you don't need to enter a location.
According to Infoworld, Google Maps is a web of linked XML documents. You can append "output=xml" to any Google Maps URL and receive raw XML.