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India Route Maps, City Maps, State Maps with Driving Directions

Where is a location? How to get there? What is located around it?

MapmyIndia allows users to find any location or landmark in India and see it on a dynamic, interactive, searchable and highly detailed map, get routes between any two major locations and view various tourist and business locations instantaneously on the map. This interactive and intelligence based web site, combined with in-depth coverage enables you to see detailed maps at various levels, bringing about a paradigm shift in the way people in India have been looking at maps.

Other map sites of India which also offer driving directions, road connections, shortest route services.

National Geographic Xpeditions Atlas: India - offers a printable map of India.

WorldAtlas.Com: India - interactive map outlining the country as well as its landforms and rivers. Also provides a country profile with recommended links.

Imapindia - cities and states with some maps in Hindi and Bengali.

India Maps - Perry-Castaneda Map Collection - includes political, shaded relief, historical, and thematic maps.Also features detailed maps of major cities and certain regions.

India Road Map

Lonely Planet: India Map - interactive map with links to information on attractions and points of interest.

Map India: Tourism Network - shows major tourist circuits in India.

Maps of India- includes state and union territories, population, air network, railway, mineral, income, highway, literacy, and distance charts.