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Firefox in The New York Times

The Mozilla Foundation is getting ready to take the browser wars to a new front: the advertising pages of The New York Times.

The open-source development group on Tuesday plans to launch an online campaign to raise money to fund the ad, along with other marketing initiatives for the November launch of its Firefox Web browser.

Firefox went out in a Version 1.0 preview release last month, generating widespread attention as a major alternative to Microsoft Corp.'s market-dominant Internet Explorer. The preview release also kicked off Mozilla's Spread Firefox initiative, a community marketing Web site where supporters can collaborate on promoting the browser. About 25,000 people have joined Spread Firefox.

The New York Times campaign will launch on the Spread Firefox site, complete with the ability to make online donations.

Mozilla is targeting the ad to include the names of at least 2,500 donors who contribute $30 or more, Davis said. Along with displaying the names, the ad will highlight Firefox's features and download information.