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Want to Link, Quote or Reprint ?

Digital Inspiration Copyright Policy

If you are interested in linking, quoting, or reprinting articles from Digital Inspiration in whole or in part, please do read our copyright policy:

* If you want link from your site to Digital Inspiration

You are welcome to use short quotes from Digital Inspiration in your website or blog as long as proper credit is given. But please quote only short excerpts - up to one paragraph - from my site when you make the link.

You must credit Digital Inspiration when you quote. Always provide a hyperlink (full URL) to the article where the quote is from. Don't hyperlink just to the homepage. Copy quoted material exactly, enclose it in quotations marks, and mention Digital Inspiration immediately before or after the quote.

For Print media: you must print the full Internet address of the post.

* If you want to reprint my article on your web site, weblog or in your publication

Send me an email (a.p.agarwal at gmail dot com) with your request. Articles from Digital Inspiration can be reprinted only after permission. In most cases, I would expect to be paid for this. You may not republish an entire Digital Inspiration post without an approval.